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Boy names ending in L

#Name Meaning
1 MichaelThe name Michael is usually used for males and can be changed to Michèle, Michelle, Michaela, Mechelle, Micheline, and Michaelle for female or even Mychal for either male or female. Michael is a Hebrew name meaning "Who is like God?". In English, it is shortened as Mike, Mikey, Mickey or Mick.
2 DanielGod is my judge
3 Paulsmall or modest
4 GabrielMan of God. God's able-bodied one. Famous bearer: The archangel Gabriel, who appears several times in the Bible.
5 Samuelthe heard by God
6 JoelJehovah is God. .Strong - willed. The name of a Breton saint. The biblical prophet Joel wrote the Book of Joel.
7 AibelThe name Aibel mostly came up for men in England and Wales. This is a rare given name. This name of Aibel has made you serious-minded, responsible, and stable.
8 Carlmeans the same as guy
9 MitchellWho is like God
10 RussellLittle
11 Karla non-noble freeman
12 ManuelGod is with us
13 NeilVariant of Neill: Champion.
14 NathanielGod has given
15 MarcelDedicated to Mars, Roman god of war, warrior
16 DarrylDarling, from the Old english 'deorling'. Also a variant of Darrell.
17 RandallShield
18 MiguelHebrew for "Who is like God"
19 EmmanuelGod with us. Also an Old Testament name for the Messiah.
20 Noufal
21 Billwith the will as strong as a helmet
22 RafaelGod has healed.
23 Cecilimpaired
24 CampbellDerived from a Scottish surname based on the Gaelic meaning crooked mouth. Campbell is used occasionally as a first name in Scotland, and in families of Scottish descent in other parts of the world.
25 WillShall
26 DarnellHidden
27 IsmaelGod listens. In the bible Ismael was son of Abraham by Sarah's Egyptian slave woman Hagar.
28 AxelMy Father Is Peace
29 Asarael
30 RaoulVariant of Ralph: Wolf counsel; red wolf.
31 Oviel
32 Karelmeans the same as guy
33 EarlNobleman. Based on the English title of Earl. Famous bearer: jazz pianist Earl 'Fatha' Hines;.
34 Shamil
35 MikkelWho resembles God
36 ArielSprite; lion of God. A biblical alternate name for Jerusalem. Name of a prankish spirit in Shakespeare's The Tempest.
37 CyrilMaster; lord.
38 MaxwellMagnus' spring. Mac's well. Surname and place name.
39 EmilRival;
40 Raúl
41 Chris Goebel
42 AdilRighteous
43 FaisalOne who has strength.
44 IsraelOvernight trip
45 DarrellFrom a French surname and place name meaning 'Open.' Dates back to the eleventh century as both surname and given name.
46 Arnel
47 PascalEaster, Born on Easter Sunday
48 NealVariant of Neill: Champion.
49 Nils Norrsell
50 MichelHebrew for "Who is like God"
51 Adwell
52 MikelThat
53 MikhailThat
54 RahulReliable
55 Rondellgood ruler
56 DanialMy judge is God
57 MichealThat
58 Sean-Paul
59 FarrellVictorious.
60 DarrelFrom a French surname and place name meaning 'Open.' Dates back to the eleventh century as both surname and given name.
61 AngelAngel
62 StoffelBearer of Christ
63 DaryllDarling, dearly loved, from the Old english 'deorling'.
64 Torkjel
65 Kazi Pavel
66 Noël
67 MomchilBoy
68 Marnellrejoicing derived from marina
69 MeraalFrom Lamoraal?
70 MerrillFrom The Pleasant Hill
71 Gimpel
72 Jamol
73 Ranil
74 Rashid Jameel
75 Nathanialgift of Yahweh
76 Lobsang Wangyal
77 SunilDark
78 DonalVariant of Donald: From the Gaelic Domhnall, meaning world mighty. Famous bearer: Walt Disney's cartoon character Donald Duck.
79 Khairul
80 HanielVariant of Chaniel: God's grace.
81 Gainellhappy, shiny
82 VerylTrue.
83 John Wandel
84 JehielGod `s live
85 Rasel
86 Errolshapely, clean
87 LionelYoung lion. Diminutive of Leon. One of the knights of King Arthur's Round Table. Famous Bearers: American actor Lionel Barrymore (1878-1954) and British actor Lionel Jeffries (born 1926).
88 Maxcell
89 AbelBreath; son; breathing spirit. In the Old Testament, Abel was the son of Adam and Eve who was killed by his brother Cain in a fit of jealousy.
90 TamalOf Hindi origin, meaning "dark tree."
91 Dassiel
92 Shubaelreturning captivity, seat of god
93 Lorenzo Rafael
94 Kunala devotee of vishnu
95 Ebelever
96 Lowellwolf
97 BernalStrong bear.
98 Sirajul
99 GaelJoyful. Abbreviation of Abigail. Gael is a term for descendants of the ancient Celts in Scotland; Ireland and the Isle of Man.
100 Damelstrong minded
101 MiykaelAs God
102 AnibalGrace of God.
103 Jeanpool
104 Nheil
105 Origanal
106 KhalilHonorable
107 HershelDeer
108 CarrollMan. Famous Bearer: late television actor Carroll O'Connor.
109 Kjellhelmet
110 NathanaelGift
111 NatanielGift from God.
112 John PaulYahweh is gracious
113 Ainal
114 Amolinvaluable
115 JerrellStrong; open-minded. Blend of Jerold and Darell.
116 Harmol
117 IsmailGod Will Hear
118 Romashall
119 Bertilclear
120 AbdulServant
121 RonalGuides, ruler, Mighty mighty
122 Leniel
123 Lael
124 Virgilthe youthful
125 Taufan Kamil
126 Akol
127 EzekielGod is with us
128 KohlCabbage
129 Shahal
130 Nabeelnoble magnanimous
131 Solpeace
132 Naayl
133 EmanuelGod is with us
134 Nouvelnew
135 CyrielLord
136 Leonellion
137 AbielMy father is the Lord
138 Nehalrain
139 Sainul Basil
140 Ketilson of thori
141 Dashiellpage boy
142 Randahlwise power
143 Jamaalbeauty
144 Tavarell
145 Jamalbeauty
146 KielNarrow, straight
147 GilDerived from the name Gilbride
148 Oriol
149 Donnellworld
150 Garfeel
151 AnelWind / God of the wind
152 Djamelbeauty
153 Shahrul
154 TerrillThunder ruler.
155 RandelVariants of Randolph 'Wolf's shield.' Surname.
156 NigelVariant of Neill: Champion. A dynasty of Irish kings was founded by Niall of the Nine Hostages.
157 Jose Yadiel
158 NihalJoyous, successful.
159 Mekheil
160 Satya Gopal
161 KimballBold family. Bold kin.
162 Vatsal
163 Gadielgod is my wealth
164 Emmaunel
165 Karola non-noble freeman
166 Marshallhorse
167 CordellA rope maker; cordmaker.
168 LuelFamous eleven
169 Bipul
170 Nikail
171 Andal
172 Kylnarrow (le passage)
173 SaulAsked for; inquired of God. The first king of Israel was named Saul, and the Hebrew name of the Apostle Paul.
174 AsdrubalAided by Baal
175 KhaleelFriend
176 Mrinallotus blossom
177 Daniyal
178 MikaelThat
179 KrystalCrystal
180 NawfalGenerous, handsome, soothing
181 Zerachielcommandment of God
182 Die In Hell
183 Marcellthe militant
184 GavrilGod is with us
185 Rudryl
186 Uriëllighting
187 Raahel
188 Nischal
189 Kristelanointed
190 VishalLarge in stature
191 Achielhero of the Trojan War
192 Jean-PaulYahweh is gracious
193 John-PaulYahweh is gracious
194 Castiel
195 AnilWinds
196 Tramel
197 Basilbrave, courageous
198 ConallStrong in battle High; mighty.
199 Adeel
200 Jahazielseeing god
201 Jean-Daniel
202 WendellWanderer. Famous Bearer: American writer Sir Oliver Wendell Holmes.
203 Kal-ElInvented Name
204 RoelFamous in the country
205 NiallVariant of Neill: Champion. A dynasty of Irish kings was founded by Niall of the Nine Hostages.
206 Gerrel

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